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Mitten Heritage Fraternal Society of Insurance

13892 Hough Road
Berville, MI 48002

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What Does Pet Insurance Cover? What Does Pet Insurance Not Cover?

Pet insurance is a precious asset. Pet insurance can save families from making heartbreaking decisions about their pets’ care and lives when vet bills would otherwise be overwhelming.

As we at Mitten Heritage Fraternal Society of Insurance often remind our customers in Berville, MI, and throughout the state, pet insurance in Michigan opens doors for pet owner services you might not expect.

What can you expect from your pet policy?

Almost any pet qualifies for accident-only coverage. These policies cover vet bills for bites from other animals, bee and wasp stings, broken bones, car accidents, cuts, lacerations, eye injuries, broken teeth, poisoning, ruptured tendons and ligaments, torn or broken nails, and swallowing foreign objects.

Younger pets can also be insured for illnesses such as arthritis, allergies, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, ear infections, skin conditions, kidney disease, thyroid disorders, skin conditions, and urinary tract infections. Getting coverage for puppies and kittens as soon as they are eligible, usually at the age of eight weeks, and keeping up your premiums is the best way for you to avoid the severe financial costs and tragic decisions involved in taking care of older pets.

In Michigan, your pet insurance also helps you get your pets chipped for easier recovery should they get lost or run away. Your Michigan pet insurance will help you find a home for your pet if keeping it proves to be impossible. Your pet insurance can also help in the event of legal consequences of an animal attack.

Mitten Heritage Fraternal Society of Insurance, serving Berville, MI, and all of the state, can also help you find insurance for exotic pets, such as rabbits, birds, fish, reptiles, and other mammals.

What doesn’t pet insurance cover?

Routine checkups and immunizations are still your responsibility. Older pets may not get illness coverage if they have not been insured before. 

But don’t give up on insuring your pet! Call Mitten Heritage to get the insurance your pet needs today!

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